Spring is linked to all sorts of wonderful things like new beginnings, cleaning, and blooming! It’s here and we want to make sure you know what you need to do to have a fresh and original look for your horticulture needs.
Yard Cleanup
Part of a healthy yard is keeping it clean. Raking away dead leaves and inspecting your yard for dead plants and overgrowth can revitalize its look. A lack of pruning, cutting off dead branches or overgrowth, can lead to less growth in the future for your plants. You can remove dead leaves and stems, carefully, with your hands by pulling at them. For tougher stems or branches, you can use pruning shears or scissors.
Adding Fresh Mulch to Flowerbeds
Mulch is a must have for your garden for not only its aesthetic benefits, but also health benefits for your garden. A new layer of mulch helps retain water in the soil for your plants and can lead to less need of watering your plants. Mulch also helps keep down unwanted weeds from infiltrating around your precious plants. Using mulch in for your plants is an easy trick to saving money on water and giving your garden a fresh look. There are a variety of choices when it comes to mulch these days!
Efficient Water Irrigation
Plants are a lot like humans in that they need a good balance of water and oxygen. Overwatering can lead to your landscape drowning in water and lacking oxygen. Making sure your water irrigation is working efficiently and ethically also helps the earth! As California is suffering from a drought, it is important to conserve as much water as possible and it can also help you save money. Smart irrigation can help! Contact Us for help on your water irrigation needs or any landscape project! Our professionals are ready to help!